
Insights for emerging managers

In our episodes, we’ve asked the same question in our quick fire over and over again: “What advice would you give to emerging managers fundraising across Europe?”

Networking and relationships

The “Networking and Relationships” advice for emerging venture capitalists emphasises the critical importance of building genuine, trust-based connections in the industry. Leaders advocate for a strategic approach to networking, focusing on authenticity, sector-specific engagement, and transparent communication to uncover investment opportunities and establish credibility. Key insights suggest that successful networking involves not just expanding one’s contact list but also deepening relationships and combining these efforts with thorough industry knowledge and differentiation. This strategy is framed as essential for emerging VCs to navigate the competitive venture capital landscape, highlighting the dual importance of broad, meaningful networks and deep, sector-specific insights to stand out and attract quality investments.

We’ve collected some of the strongest quotes, videos and audio bits on building networks and relations below:

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Whenever you talk to a potential investor, always try to end with, ‘Is there anyone else that I can talk to? Because even if someone says no or it’s outside of their mandate, it doesn’t mean that they can’t be helpful to you. And it’s just a lost opportunity to forget to ask that question.

Fridtjof Berge

Warm introductions to LPs from individuals they’ve previously invested in or trusted can provide a significant advantage and kick-start your fundraising process. Additionally, targeting LPs with a history of supporting emerging managers or those in your specific segment is crucial. While many large institutions have venture exposure, the pool of LPs actively seeking emerging managers is smaller, making it essential to focus on those who truly understand and appreciate your strategy.

Lindsay Sharma
Industry Ventures
Kemper Ahl
Industry Ventures

View fundraising as an opportunity to cultivate relationships rather than merely securing immediate capital. Recognise that many potential investors may not have funds available currently, but they may in the next bull market. By focusing on relationship-building during the fundraising process, you lay the groundwork for future investment opportunities when circumstances are more favourable.

Gesa Miczaika
Auxxo Female Catalyst Fund

Differentiation and unique value proposition (UVP)

This category encompasses advice that emphasises the need for clear, compelling differentiation, highlighting the importance of both tangible elements like an investment thesis and intangible aspects like team expertise and narrative. The advice stresses leveraging personal and fund branding, strategic storytelling, and focusing on impact to resonate with potential investors and stakeholders. It also underscores risk diversification and the crafting of a compelling narrative that aligns with potential investors’ goals. This advice offers a strategic roadmap for funds to carve out their niche, emphasising the importance of a unique value proposition, branding, and storytelling in attracting investment.

We’ve collected some of the strongest quotes, videos and audio bits on building a differentiated fund below:

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Undoubtedly, this topic could warrant its own podcast episode. Among the rapid-fire tips I’d offer, one stands out: craft a deliberate strategy for attracting the ideal investors as your limited partners (LPs) right from the start. Highlight your unique approach and track record of selecting and capitalising on profitable investment opportunities. Ensuring this distinctiveness remains at the forefront of your engagement with potential investors is paramount.

Anthony Danon
Cocoa Capital

As a GP, it’s crucial to identify what sets you apart. What unique value do you bring to the table? Is it your exclusive deal flow, a solid track record, or perhaps a distinctive investment thesis? Simply showcasing a laundry list of features won’t cut it. Instead, focus on specificity. Are you targeting a particular region or vertical? How do you support portfolio companies, perhaps through recruitment or other means? When I review VC decks, I often encounter ones that sound like countless others. To stand out, your deck needs to reflect what truly distinguishes your approach from the rest.

Marvin Liao
Diaspora Ventures

Discover your unique approach. Explore three key pillars essential for success: access, selection, and execution. Access can be gained through privileged networks or through persistent outbound efforts, including building meet-ups. Selection involves leveraging deep expertise in a specific vertical, enabling valuable contributions to the decision-making process. However, expertise alone isn’t enough; it must be coupled with a genuine ability to assist founders and establish trust-based relationships with them.

Guillaume Fournier
Credo Ventures

Dedication and commitment

The dedication and commitment theme stresses the critical importance of resilience, passion, and continuous improvement. Success relies on persistent hard work coupled with the perseverance to push through setbacks on a journey where the feedback loops are incredibly long.

We’ve collected some of the strongest quotes, videos and audio bits on the importance of grit and commitment below:

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The number one tip is to keep faith. Fundraising is a very unfair process. When you’re an emerging VC, either you have an established track record because you know a new combination of existing pieces is working together or not. And that’s fine because there’s a common view amongst LPs that those are very valuable combinations.

Jean Bourcereau

Success in venture capital is a marathon, not a sprint. It’s a rigorous test of endurance, both physically and mentally. While some may view it as a shortcut to wealth, the truth is that it’s more akin to a gradual accumulation of riches. Building a thriving venture capital portfolio demands unwavering dedication and perseverance over the long term. You must remain steadfast, weathering the inevitable highs and lows with resilience and determination.

Shmuel Chafets
Target Global

Keep pushing forward in your efforts. By showcasing your value to the European venture capital scene, whether through your VC expertise, company knowledge, or unique skill set, you’ll eventually attract funding. However, it’s crucial to understand that this journey isn’t a quick path to wealth; it’s a demanding and challenging road. Yet, the potential rewards go beyond financial gain, offering the profound satisfaction of making a significant impact.

Chris Wade
Isomer Capital

Knowledge and expertise

The knowledge and expertise advice highlights the importance of building and demonstrating deep subject understanding, either in the art and science of being an allocator or in the investment space in which you invest. This advice underscores a blend of in-depth knowledge, effective communication, and forward-thinking as essential for success in venture.

We’ve collected some of the strongest quotes, videos and audio bits on the importance of knowledge and expertise in fundraising below:

Find your anchor investor within your specialised niche. Start small and take calculated risks to showcase your capabilities, even considering purchasing a deal if needed. Initially, don’t obsess over terms; instead, focus on gaining experience and honing your skills. Prioritise getting started and accumulating practice over optimising minor details, which won’t greatly impact long-term success if your goal is to build something substantial.

Jimmy Fussing

Just be a student of venture and portfolio construction and know what a Montecarlo simulation is or whatever method you want to use to talk about portfolio diversification. But you have to be a student of that stuff because if you don’t demonstrate to LPs that you’re a good money manager they won’t give you money.

Fred Destin
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Discover your unique approach by considering three essential pillars for achieving success in getting deals done: access, selection, and execution. Access can be gained through privileged networks, persistent outbound efforts, or by organising meet-ups. Selection involves leveraging deep expertise in a specific vertical, allowing you to contribute meaningfully to the process. However, expertise alone isn’t enough; it must be complemented by building trust and providing valuable assistance to founders. Remember, having access is only part of the equation; your ability to support founders and foster trust is equally crucial.

Guillaume Fournier
Credo Ventures

Supporting and benefiting your LPs through education, investment opportunities, and access to infrastructure is crucial for nurturing strong relationships. Set realistic targets and steer clear of the “spray and pray” approach. Instead, capitalise on your specific expertise and competence, leveraging your MVP knowledge to its fullest. This targeted strategy is key to achieving more effective and successful outcomes.

Sergey Jakimov
Longe VC

Transparency and honesty

Almost a sub-element of networking and relationships, the transparency and honesty advice emphasises authenticity, strategic communication, and self-awareness. It highlights the importance of forming genuine investor relationships, being transparent about strengths and weaknesses, and differentiating between learning and pitching. Overall, it advocates for integrity and authentic engagement as essential for success in the VC.

We’ve collected some of the strongest quotes, videos and audio bits on the importance of transparency and honesty in fundraising below:

Don’t oversell. LPs want to understand the mistakes that you’ve made as a fund manager.

Jamie Macfarlene
Creator fund

Even if it’s not the best news, communicate about it and tell LPs why you made the decision and what you are thinking. It helps the LP understand your thinking and the way you approach things and this builds trust.

Simon Lohmann
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Transparency is paramount; avoid overselling. LPs appreciate understanding the mistakes you’ve made as a fund manager. Making numerous decisions daily is part of the role, and the mark of a good fund manager is not avoiding decisions but rather learning from them. Decision paralysis is a pitfall to avoid; instead, embrace transparency and share insights gained from both successes and failures.


Jamie Macfarlane
Creator Fund

Adaptability and flexibility

The advice on adaptability and flexibility highlights the critical importance of agility and resilience in the venture capital and entrepreneurial sectors. It emphasises the need for a flexible mindset to effectively respond to learnings through your own approach and narrative or understanding of how you may serve LPs best or to external factors like market developments or regulatory shifts. Success in this dynamic environment requires the ability to pivot strategies and seize new opportunities, underscoring the value of fostering a culture of continuous learning and openness to change. This adaptability is portrayed as essential for navigating uncertainties, driving innovation, and achieving strategic advantage in the competitive landscape of venture capital.

We’ve collected some of the strongest quotes, videos and audio bits on the importance of adaptability and flexibility below:

Always plan for the downside, even as you envision the upside. Incorporate provisions to mitigate risks, even if you never need them. Preparation is key; fortune favours the mind that is ready for any eventuality.

Joe Schorge
Isomer Capital

You rarely get your narrative right the first time, so you have to test it often and with multiple stakeholders.

Emma Steele
Ascension VC
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Before launching a fund, it’s crucial to have an ideal model in mind. Like any venture, when raising your first fund, you undergo a product-market fit search in the initial months. It’s essential to be confident that your approach will succeed during this crucial period because adjustments become increasingly challenging later on.

Bogdan Iordache
Underline Ventures
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